Wednesday, January 23, 2008


My Mom's really into Ornithology, and she likes to do it the lazy way so she's turned her back garden into some kind of Bird-orientated food court, with the intention of spying on them while they eat. Sneaky.

Today someone new came to dinner...a Greater Spotted Woodpecker!...and a male one at that (it was the red spot on the back of his head that caught Dad's eye out the window in the first place)...

He spent ages pigging out in woodpecker style (attacking the food by pummelling it with his head) before hopping further up the tree to try and rustle himself up a date. He didn't cling onto the trunk, but he held a branch and just pecked around by his feet. I've never seen a woodpecker in real life before so this was amazing...maybe just slightly sad that I've documented it here, but hey ho...what can I say? I'm sad!

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