Thursday, February 07, 2008

Where's my stuff?!

My life has turned into a neverending wait for a parcel…Friday I waited in most of the day for some furniture to turn up (then had to lug five boxes of very heavy wooden flat pack up the stairs), but part of the delivery was missing so I rearranged delivery and spent all of Tuesday waiting in for the lost parcel. Turns out the delivery man has a VERY short memory and on his return journey he went to the wrong flat and so my parcel was refused and returned to the depot. Yes, it was the same delivery man each time. How stupid?

So I rearranged delivery and spent all day yesterday in too, only to discover (when I got bored of waiting and called the depot) that because my parcel had been refused it’d not only been returned to the depot, but when it got there it was returned back to argoose. At this point I got a bit angry. My anger was rightly placed though, that damn package sat in the depot for two hours after I called them to arrange re-delivery (it took them a LONG time to own up to this fact and I had to do a LOT of shouting)…so I’m now waiting (again) for the depot manager to sort this crap out. I doubt whatever they can do for me won’t make up for two wasted days of sitting in for stuff that wasn’t going to arrive, but an apology would be nice!

Matt’s birthday presents are supposed to be arriving today too but I’m already worrying that something will go wrong and they’ll end up being returned to the other side of the world. I’m so angry with the stupid delivery company that my argos stuff went through…I’ve never had any package go to the wrong house before and now I’m paranoid that it’s just going to happen again and again. Why can’t couriers give you a more specific delivery time so you can get some idea of when you should start worrying with good reason? I’m going slightly insane here…

It’ll arrive as soon as I stop focusing on it…I know it will.

I hope it will…

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