Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mocktails and girlie nights out make Gory a sleepyhead

There’s a lot going on for me at the moment…unfortunately none of it is skating so I’m not as ecstatic as I could be!

Last night I joined Daisy Pain, Hustle’her and Ouija Broad (along with some non-derby gals) in the mad, insane, oestrogen-charged event that was the Sex and the City movie. We met for mocktails before hitting the (incredibly packed) cinema - they’d bumped Indiana Jones just to get more screen space, and we had to go into a couple of screens before we found room for us all to sit together. Hustle’her and I were out stocking ourselves up on nachos when the trailers turned into the feature, but I’m assured that the entire screen cheered and whooped as the film title came up on the screen (just as they did when the credits began to roll). It was brilliant! So much happened in it that it was like watching an entire series in one go, yet it seemed ultimately more raunchy as it was transferred onto the big screen. All in all it was faaaaabulous! I want to watch it again! Right now!! It’s been years since I’ve indulged my SATC addiction and now I can see it coming back with vengance…I’ll be buying boxsets on ebay before I know it!

I wanted to write more but I’m so exhausted today that I just can’t get the right words in the right order. It’s been my day off today and even though I had uni work planned I ended up asleep on the sofa all day. I’m just a big ball of energy these days…not *goes back to sleep*

Monday, May 19, 2008


So, I started work today...only part time, just to bring some money in while I finish my dissertation (and to stop myself from going slowly crazy...sorry, crazier), but work none the less. The good and bad thing about it is that the shifts are unstructured, so I'm guaranteed 16 hours of work (or more) but I'm not guaranteed what days, times, or shift lengths I'll be working. I really don't think that I'll mind this most of the time...except for right now it seems.

The absolutely gutting thing is that after missing two weeks of practice because of weddings and travelling places, I'm now going to have to miss another two weeks of practice to work. Goddamn. It's probably karma for not going jogging recently or not getting on with my uni work...I'll have to throw myself into it all to forget that I won't be skating 'til the first of our Get Yer Skates on Events on the 1st of June (see the CCR myspace for more details on both events). Even then it'll only be to show other people how to skate (rather than trying to knock them down as usual) so it'll be skating at a very low volume :(

It's back to work tomorrow...with a list of practice dates to beg my manager with, and with any luck I might get some derby practice in before the year is out! I think it's time to get my lazy ass outside and skating...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Wedding Photos and Tattoos! ( Gory's aftercare tips...)

Once again it's been a good while since I posted on here...but it's not all my fault. Saturday the 10th of May was Matt's eldest sister, Alison's, wedding (he has three)...and in true Gory style I forgot my camera. Shame on me. The result was that the only pictures I got of us 'all dressed up' were on Matt's phone and he's been so busy that it's taken him until today to put them on the computer.

It was a beautiful day (hot hot hot!) and we got to Derby almost 45 minutes early so we were unusually stress-free and happy people. The ceremony was beautiful, with Alison and Darshan giggling like a pair of school kids at the Registrar's OVER...PRONUN...CIATION. I was forced to ask myself just how many pauses one can fit into a word without seeming like a loony...and the answer was none. However, it made for an amusing set of vows!!

If you don't already know, it's not easy for an unmarried couple to make it through the day of a wedding without being asked by each and every person (who all think they're incredibly original, goddamn their souls) when it's going to be our turn. Matt's middle sister, Nella, and her daughters even offered to keep hold of their bridesmaid dresses 'just in case'! We declined politely...or at least I did anyway...the look of terror in Matt's eyes was a good indicator of his feelings ;o)

...but don't we scrub up well?...this was taken in Nella's back garden after the wedding festivities had broken up for the day...

...and here's me on my own...and yes, I chose the dress because it matched a pair of shoes I already have and love. Any excuse to wear my favorite shoesies!

...that's Matt's nephew Ollie in the corner of the picture. He was glued to my side in the first shot Matt took...heaven only knows why small children seem to love me. Although seeing as he's six we probably have a similar mental age...ha ha!

Congratulations to Alison and Darshan!!


Roller Derby action has been a bit thin on the ground of late. I missed last week's practice because it clashed with the wedding, and I'm missing this week's because we'll be on our way to Gloucester (with any luck not in a shower of rain...and no, we will not be stepping in puddles up to our middles either!). I feel a pang of sadness about Sunday already! Missing one practice is bad enough but two in a row and I start to get a bit angry and irritable...those Derby endorphins are unmatchable!

To quell my ever-growing frustration (and because I start work next week and can't rely on a set schedule) I begged Mr Gory to touch up the tattoos on my ankles, to give them time to heal before I have to start doing lots of standing round (at a card shop...not on street corners). I've got cherries on my left ankle that are about three years old and a tad faded, and a chili on my right ankle that was a bit too orange and carrotty looking...both of them desperately needed a shot of red to bring them back to life.'s my beautiful boy doing one of the things he does best...(and wearing my skate number with pride!)

My cherries...(he's going to do the leaf another time)

My chili...

...and them both together...

...and wrapped!! very VERY tightly so I couldn't walk properly...thanks Maffoo! *sarcasm*

Luckily I have a tattooist on hand 24/7 to help me take care of my ink properly while it's healing...but evenso, I've still fucked tattoos up before by not doing the right things during the healing process. Hence why I take such good care of them now, and it drives me so mad when I see people who clearly don't realise how much they're damaging something that a) cost them a lot of money, and b) hurts like buggery to fix!

I ALWAYS keep my tattoos wrapped up overnight (as should's an open wound people!) and then the next morning I get into a hot bath with the dressing on (to loosen it before pulling it away from my skin) and I try and soak my ink for a while (or blast it with hot water from the shower head) whilst massaging it to help drain out lymph.

...this pic is of my dressings after I soaked them huh?! pictures on tissue...printed with lymph! Yummy!

It's lymph-oozing that causes scabs to build up, so the more of this you can get rid of in the first wash, the less your tattoo will scab up. Then I give it a good wash in antibacterial liquid soap and pat it dry, leaving it to dry completely before applying a thin layer of bepanthen. Then I try and keep it as clean and dry as I can, other than giving it a quick wash in anti-bac for the next few mornings (applying more thin smears of Bep after I've washed it). I must warn you though, it's a really thick and viscous creme, so it's quite hard to apply, especially to a sore sensitive area.

This aftercare routine works really well for me and Mr Gory, and it's stopped me (Scabby McScabberson) from scabbing quite as badly as I usually do...and Mr Gory doesn't get any scabs. Bepanthen might be for babies' arses, but it's a goddamn wonder-creme when it comes to tattoo's just as good as Tattoo Goo, if not better.

As soon as the tattoos are less sore I'll be recommencing the jogging programme along with the Fletch (or as I'm now calling him)...gah, this exercise thing sucks!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Who needs the gym?!

The weather’s been beautiful here recently, and it’s really made me start to reconsider my time in the gym. I mean, what’s the point in paying good money to go and stand inside and sweat when you can exercise for free outside?! I pitched my idea at Hustle’her who agreed that it was a crime against fitness not to enjoy the sun in a jogging-type situation…and so that’s what we did!

Last night, me, the dog, and his new stretchy lead met up with Hustle’her after her spinning class (oh my GOD she’s hardcore) for a leisurely jog round Arrow Valley Lake. The sun was still out at 7.30, and so were the people…and the dogs…and the bikes…so we had quite a bit to contend with. Coupled with the fact that Fletch has never been jogging before either, his intense interest in other dogs, and his need to pee on everything, we didn’t have too smooth a start. Nevertheless, all three of us managed a good mile without stepping on each other, bumping into the public or falling in the lake! Result indeed. By the end of it Fletch had even got the hang of what he was meant to be doing, and he ran politely at my side instead of galloping at the end of his lead in front of me. It won’t be long before he gets the idea properly and he enjoys the running so much that the other dogs fade into the background. I hope!!

I’ve got to admit, I do feel a bit mean because his new lead is very short and so he was getting yanked about a lot for any misbehaviour, which can’t be nice on his neck. I think maybe running in a harness might be a better idea (for him, not me)…so at least when he doesn’t do as he’s told he’s not just being pulled by his head. I did consider a proper hands-free jogging lead (they go round your waist) but until Fletch is used to the whole routine I don’t think it’s the best idea to have him springing around on the end of a rope that I can’t pull in towards me. I’ve got visions of me being dragged along a field as he chases another dog!!

If anyone has any tips about jogging with your dog I’d love to hear them…I’m determined to get fit and he’s a guaranteed running partner so I really want to make this work.

When I got back last night I decided against a cool shower (boy, was I hot) and had a warm bath instead. As I got used to it I was slowly topping it up with hot water and stretching out my muscles…but it was all in vain. This morning I’m as stiff as the proverbial board. Even a warm-down with Mr Gory did nothing for the soreness! Ha ha! I was going to head out with Hustle’her and Racey Macey this evening to do a couple of laps round the lake, but this time on wheels. I think I’m going to quietly opt out of that one and go for a gentle walk instead. The last thing my muscles need right now is more torture!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Mixed practice video...

...a video (made by Chet Wisconsin) that sort of sums up the madness that was our mixed practice with the London Rockin' Rollers, the Bedford Bandits and the Windsor Roller Girls :o)

Central City Rollergirls Milton Keynes practice 27/4/08

Race for life...

On Sunday 6th July, Dynomite Bo, Hustle'her, Ouija Broad and I will be hitting the pavements of Arrow Valley Lake to join the Race for Life and raise money for cancer research.

I'm quite excited...I know it's not a huge distance, but jogging isn't really my bag (baby) so it's sort of a big deal that I'm hoping to run the entire distance. The key word there is *hoping*, as I actually don't have any clue if I can keep my body moving at speed for that long!! Today the dog and I are going to buy a stretchy running lead so he can help me train (okay...pull me up hills), it's just a shame he can't join the race with us. According to the race for life people he'll trip people over...I was shocked that they knew him so well!

Pretty pretty please click either of the race for life images and sponsor the four of us to help us reach (and maybe even double?!) our target of £200...even the teenyest donation will be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance :)

Monday, May 05, 2008

New Look...

Okay, so Saturday evening I posted a HUUUUGE post detailing the past month's shenanigans...and it was only when it came to re-reading the posted blog that I realised how godawful the previous colour scheme was. Although black and white may look good together, it was making me feel sea-sick and when I looked away from the screen I could see white lines everywhere. Hence the re-jigging.

I apologise for my previous assault on your optical nerves, and I hope the new colour scheme isn't too sick-making!!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

The LRG in Total Tattoo

Total Tattoo is one of my favorite magazines...and Roller Derby is my all-time favorite sport, so you can imagine how stoked (sorry...I hate that word but it's perfect. I'm STOKED) I am to see my favorite sport in my favorite magazine.

Wicked-loud snaps to the LRG!! You girls rock xx

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Playing catch-up...

I’m a terrible blogger…I’ve done countless Derby-related things in the past three weeks and yet NONE of them have been documented! Oh, the audacity of me!


On the 12th of April the CCR boys and girls ventured the short distance to Cocks Moor (ha ha…never fails to amuse!) to watch the Blitz Dames defend their turf as the Glasgow Roller Girls fought to secure a win. I’d already been down to London to cheer the Glasgow girls on so, despite being a member of another Birmingham based league, I did the same again at their second bout. To begin with it really seemed as if the GRG had secured a victory, but the Blitz Dames clawed back the lead out of nowhere some time in the second half. It was hard to say for sure what happened as the scoreboard wasn’t regularly updated, making it really difficult to figure out how each jam had been scored. Nevertheless, it was a good game and I screamed myself stupid for the entire two periods, giving Mr Gory and Psycho Spiller of the LBRG (who were sat on either side of me) tinnitus. I was disappointed for the GRG, but I’m sure they won’t let it faze them…I can’t wait to skate with them at some point :)

I got a few photos from the bout but they’re best viewed on my myspace. Unfortunately my camera found the crappy Cocks Moor lighting hard to deal with…

the LRG pay a visit…

On the 13th, the CCR were up bright and early (well, early for us…) to welcome some of the London Roller Girls to our practice. They brought with them some amazing skating skill as well as really useful ideas for drills and advice on how we can all improve our technique. Led by Bette Noir, we all did drills that develop speed, endurance, accuracy and balance before pairing off to get some one-on-one advice on how to batter the crap out of other women with your ass. I’ve got to extend a HUGE thank you to Auntie Terror (who I can’t find on myspace to thank in comment form!) who spent a lot of time letting me crash into her butt-first while offering me tips on how I could do it better…I learnt so much!

After that it was onto the scrimmaging (picture me rubbing my hands in glee), with us all mixed up together…and may I add, thank god! I pivoted against Fox Sake a couple of times, and she was lethal enough as it was without being teamed up with one of my nemesi (that is the mutiple of nemesis isn’t it?!), Hustle’her. Together they formed walls, bumped me out the way, and pretty much skated circles round me…and I couldn’t have been more impressed!

If I’m honest, I kind of impressed myself too. I think I did a better-than-normal (my version of normal that is) rendition of Pivoting, and I somehow developed a bit of a talent for pushing my own teammates into the spaces that I knew I couldn’t fill fast enough. I had the BEST time. It’s the closest to the zone that I’ve ever been and it’s got me hungry for more! The entire practice was fabulous in fact…and when I think back to it the memories have stars, hearts and glitter round the edges. They might be formidible on the track, but they’re all sweethearts. Another massive thank you to the LRG for travelling up and skating with us…it was lovely to meet some of you properly, I’m just sorry I couldn’t make it to the after-skate drinkies!!

a visit from Kaos

In our next week’s practice (last week) we were graced by a guest skater…Ms Raven Von Kaos of the Santa Cruz Roller Girls. She was more than a match for the best of our skaters and it was a total pleasure telling her what to do! Yes, it was that time again: Gory’s turn to lead practice. Apparently I’m a hard taskmaster, but considering I spend a good proportion of the session skating slowly slooowly round the inside of the track, blowing my whistle, screaming orders and generally forgetting to look at/press buttons on my stopwatch, I don’t finish practice with that nice glowy ache that only Derby can spread and therefore have no idea how hard I work my skaters. Like I said, according to them it’s pretty damn hard, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to think up new and more imaginative ways to torture them into being kick-ass skaters.

Even though I can’t really get involved I always end up using the drills that I love best, and after the LRG’s visit the week before I couldn’t help but include hot laps, where skaters perform sets of laps in skill groups to focus on specific areas of skating. This time it was speed and pack drills, with the first involving a speed sprint around the track in your group, and the second being a pack drill where speed and proximity make skating difficult. I was really impressed that even our newest newbies had a go…maybe it was something to do with my hugely loud voice and slightly too-quick temper? No no, I’m sure it was nothing more than their sheer enthusiasm for skating!! Ha ha…no, seriously, I’m sure.

I also brought along a drill I’d learnt from the Lincolnshire Bombers Roller Girls during my recent trip to Lincoln and had everyone (once again down to the newest newbies…these girls are pretty hardcore) being whipped and pulled around the hall in what the LBRG call the Inertia drill. Holding hands with a partner, the idea is to pull her along and whip her forward before being pulled along yourself…it’s hard to explain but I’m sure there’s versions of it going on in leagues all over the country…I’m pretty sure it’s also known as the whip and pull drill too but I could have just misunderstood drill explainations. It wouldn’t be the first time!!

I do love to lead practice, but I don’t particularly like the shouty bitch it turns me into. I’m the kind of person who demands eye contact and silence before I will actually believe that you’re listening to me (as Mr Gory will attest…he often hears the words ‘are you even listening?!’) and so I don’t work well in an environment where people are whispering and don’t seem to be paying 310% attention to me. Cue lots of whistle blowing, shouting and name calling…Chatty McChatterson being the name of choice (yes Chet Wisconsin, I’m talking about you!!). It hadn’t occurred to me before I read Chet’s blog on the CCR myspace that my technique of simply employing my lungs when people are being said Chatty McChatterson is actually a bit soft of me. So be warned CCR girls and boys (Chet especially…and Jack Beam!) from now on your snake-like hissings will no longer be a backdrop to my drill explaination…oh no! Instead, my voice will be accompained by the usual noises that go with squat thrusts. Happy days.

I’m kind of glad I wasn’t skating as hard as everyone else was that afternoon as it was just the first installment in a Derby double-header weekend…the next day the CCR plus Raven were off to visit with the London Rockin Rollers, the Bedford Bandits and the Windsor Roller Girls for a mixed practice and a bit of scrimmagy goodness. Something to look forward to indeed!!

mixed practice…

So…the CCR bus was off bright and early (once again…I hate early mornings), headed for Milton Keynes and a date with some fabulous Rollergirls and their entourages. The leagues took it in turn to deliver drills, and we got to do yet more hotlaps (I was reminded that doing them is definitely more strenuous than it looks) as well as a few hardcore races and Lil Joker’s very own brand of torture on wheels.

Once again I more than impressed myself with some serious toe-stop running during both the hotlaps and the LRR’s version of the bleep-test for skaters. I’ve never felt like I could do them, but when I visited the Lincoln Bombers I got the chance to practice them in my own time and I found a well of previously undiscovered confidence that enabled me to carry on pulling off said toe-stop running during the CCR practices that followed. This mixed practice was like the ultimate acid test for my newfound skill and I got plenty of opportunity to keep proving to myself that I could still do it…despite being mortally terrified that I’d end up on my face in front of so many unfamiliar skaters.

The scrimmaging part of the practice was brilliant too, with everyone mixing it up within their skill set to get as many jams as possible. There were so many of us that we needed at least another hour to really get our teeth into each other properly, but during the short time we had I saw some really amazing skating. I’ve got to say, I was pleased that I was skating WITH Jack Attack and not against her…that girl was everywhere at the same time! Once again, I had the best BEST time, and even an unexplained excruciating pain in my wrist didn’t take me off my wheels. I’ve really been feeling the Derby love these past few weeks :o) partly because of all the lovely skaters I’ve met, partly because of all the superbad skate-time I’ve gotten in, and mostly because yet another of my lovely friends is rolling onto the Derby scene. She’s a London lass but Donna’ll be travelling up to Lincoln to skate with the Bombers and be their ref…which means we can steal her if we’re ever in search of Zebras! HOORAY!!

After the practice it was off to the pub for some well deserved bevvies and a long chat about our favorite subject…roller derby! I got to spend a good long time with the ever lovely Margy Bargy of the LRR, who is quite possibly the sweetest woman I’ve ever met, as well as being an amazing skater. It was really good to get to spend some time hanging out with the other leagues, and the pear cider was more than welcome after three hours of skating :o)

present day…finally! *phew*

Today our practice was lead by Hustle’her and our ref, Barry Fight. Both of them are really keen to whip us into shape, so they were relentless and brutal…and it was brilliant! Their practice, combined with the fact that I’ve been sat here typing for so long, has incited my legs to go on strike. I tried to stand up a minute ago and discovered that I couldn’t! I think they’ve more than done their job…

Warm up was more intense than usual, and after a quick stretch (that I led…with a few tips pinched from the LRR’s Speedpixie) we were up and doing as many laps as we could in 5 minutes. I’ve been feeling a bit drained all week, probably due to last weekend’s double-derby header, and other stuff in real life, and I pushed myself way too hard as we began to skate. When Barry called out ‘halfway’ I was already ready to drop and my previous light-footed hippity hop round the corners had morphed into a slow dragged-out crossover attempt. I’m sure I must have looked as if I was skating in slow motion by the end of the 5 minutes…I was still going fast though, Honest!

We also got more than ample time to practice all kinds of stops, turns, transitions and backwards skating techniques. Our fresh meat were doing amazingly well alongside the more advanced skaters, so I felt it was my duty to stop being such a wimp about transitions. When Barry wanted us to glide steadily from forwards to backwards skating, with a complicated looking hop, or terrifying looking jump back to forwards again, I swallowed my many MANY complaints and just did it. And I did it! Surprisingly enough I found it a damn sight easier to leap and twist in the air to right my skating direction than it was to do the twisty/privoty/footy thing, although I’m bloody proud to say that I managed to do both pretty well. I also pulled off many successful forward-to-backward transitions and once again the mohawk stop (or derby stop) was back under my control…but sadly this wasn’t the case when I needed to do either at speed or under pressure. I’ll get there though…this is a new more confident me, willing to try the things I’m sure I can’t do. Thanks to Barry and Hustle’her for all the instruction they gave us, and all the advice on how to get the hang of it quicker :o)

After all the drills there was just enough time for us to do another set of five-minute laps…and oh my god did it hurt. I learnt my lesson and didn’t go hell for leather right from the beginning (I don’t think I could have if I’d have wanted to anyway) but I paid for it with a lap. My first attempt had scored me 27 according to Ouija Broad who’s heels I’d been chasing, and on our second go Ouija and I jousted to be in front but we only just managed 26 laps. I’m incredibly proud to be hot on her heels, as there’s been many a time she’s lapped me doing this drill…I must be getting better!! Saying that she’ll probably leave me for dust next time ;o)

I’m aching so much but I feel sort of euphoric after today’s skate! I really feel like I learnt something today (actually, the past few weeks have made a massive improvement to my skating, my knowledge and above all, my confidence) and that makes me incredibly happy…as does sitting out in the sun in a beer garden with my favorite rollergirls after practice. I’ll miss you all next week!!

It’s been a really amazing few weeks. Goddamn…this blog entry is LONG.