Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Under My Skin...and my non-fitness

So, here’s my second stab at the whole ‘exhibition blog’ thing. This time I’m doing the sensible thing and composing it in Word before I commit to the text box on blogger.

So! Friday night, Mr Gory and I were invited to the very special, VIP style opening night of Mandie Barber’s tattoo exhibition entitled ‘Under My Skin’, held at Kidderminster library til the 30th of August…

As we walked up through the library to the exhibition hall we were treated to display cabinets full of hand painted, tattoo inspired items by Mandie, and age-old tattoo machines, needles, cut-throat razors and the like…

…and once inside there’s a whole wall of tattoo history…

…photos of some of Mandie’s work, poetry by Jodie Calder and vintage flash…

…original paintings by both Mandie and Chris Barber…

…and a rogue’s gallery of tattoos. The photography group at the library had been trawling the streets of kiddiminster, stopping people with tattoos and asking them for their photo and the story behind their ink. I didn’t get a picture of this unfortunately, but you can see it on the shot of the exhibition hall, just over on the left…

It was a brilliant opening night, even if it did make me want more tattoos and several pieces of art from the paintings gallery…we spent the few hours that we were there sipping wine like posh people – well, some of us did anyway…Chris decided to cut out the middle-man that’s commonly known as ‘a glass’…

…We conversed about tattoos and art in general (and didn’t pose, no, not at all!…okay, maybe Matt and Mand did a little…)

…I unsuccessfully tried to take pictures of Matt without him knowing…

…Several people (Jodie in particular) were keen to show off their own body art…

…and Mandie was bestowed with flowers…

We’ll be back there again this Friday (the 22nd) to watch a live tattoo demonstration and a movie that’s based around the addictive nature of tattoos. Mandie’s going to be taking a needle to Jodie’s arm before we all sit down to watch the film, and the exhibition will be open for people to wander round. It’s going to be amazing! I’m going to be enticing as many friends along as possible!!

I’ve been planning many more ink-adventures since visiting Under my Skin last week too, and I’m sure it won’t be long before I can get another hit from Mr Gory. I’ve been thinking about getting my tummy tattooed, mainly because it keeps poking out from under my t-shirts and I’d like to see some colour there rather than just flab. I think I’ve managed to entice the boy to do it…he usually hates tattooing me because I have SO MANY ideas, but this time round I’ve picked something he actually wants to do! Watch this space for tummy-tatts!

In skating news, I’ve not managed to get back to the park for some more circular skating. I’m very sad about it but it’s only because I’ve been so busy either skating at practice, visiting exhibitions or going out for birthdays. This week I’ll make sure I get at least one go in! I know I need to get a lot fitter…I’m really suffering at the moment. I feel so tired all the time, and I’m sure that’s because I’ve been negelcting my fitness. I’ve been eating a tonne of crap and I’ve done hardly any proper exercise in ages. Ouija Broad lead our practice this Sunday just gone and I swear, I almost died.

One of the drills she decided on was a series of knee-falls while skating round the track. The idea was that when she blew the whistle we’d do a single knee fall, concentrating on keeping small, with just a few simple, but killer, rules. The first was that we should keep our hands on our helmets so that we weren’t tempted to use the floor to help us get up, and the second was that no-matter how long we’ve been getting up on our toestops, we should make sure that as we get up we’re planting our wheels steadily on the floor. I’m really bad for this…I ALWAYS get up using both my hands (usually on my knee so it’s not as bad as using the floor. At least I know my fingers are safe) and I ALWAYS get up on my toestop. My answer for this (and I have an answer for everything) is because I can get up quicker, steadier and I can launch myself into a run to gain my speed back up. Ouija also has an answer though, and she told me in no uncertain terms that if I get up like that in a bout it won’t be long before someone puts me back on the floor.

So, with a heavy heart (and even heavier legs) I did as I was told. Boy, I ache now…and it’s two whole days later. It was a really good drill though, and I’m feeling much better about getting up on wheels and duck-running to get my speed up, and I’m even getting used to doing a right knee-fall. My right leg doesn’t seem to want to do what I tell it to, and when I try and do a right knee-fall I inevitably end up doing a double knee-fall, but I’m very glad to say that things are improving!

I was slightly annoyed at myself with my 5 minute time trial as I only got in about 25 laps and I managed 29 at the last mid-weeker I attended, but we’ve got so many skaters now that the track is nothing short of packed when we run this drill. It’s incredibly hard to skate your absolute fastest when you’ve got to dodge and weave around all the newbies and basic skills skaters, but it really does help your agility when you’ve got to try and squidge yourself into spaces that didn’t exist before you made them! I actually saw myself in a jamming star as I darted between everyone, but I seriously need to kick my fitness into gear if that dream’s going to come true. At the moment I can’t see myself ever being able to catch back up with the pack to score points!!

*goes and eats a chocolate bar…or two*

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