Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Happy Shrove Tuesday!
I usually forget that it’s even happening because I’d somehow managed to convince myself that I don’t like pancakes. Surely I was mad! I’m happy to say that I’ve seen the error of my ways and I’ve been making up for it in a very big way.

Matt came home from the supermarket with pancake mix about a week ago, and in true spoilt-brat fashion I had a small tantrum and enlightened him to the fact that pancakes suck. ‘I do NOT like pancakes,’ I told him as I added water, banged the bottle on the counter and proceeded to skake it. ‘And this is why,’ I said, as pancake batter flew around the kitchen from the badly fitting cap.

Anyway…long story short, since the moment I poured the first blob of (lumpy) batter into a lightly oiled pan (or more likely, since I threw that one away and started another, less lumpy one) I’ve developed an insatiable lust for…well…pancakes. And since that moment, I’ve been doing some serious making up for the pancakes that have slipped me by in the past. I’ve gotten through three batches of pancake mix…I’ve had them for breakfast, for dessert, and as a midnight snack. I think I’m in love…

Sod shrove Tuesday…2008 is going to be my year of the pancake. A pancake a day helps me work rest and play, and two or three pancakes is even better!

Thank god for 80s aerobics to work all this batter off my bum. I’m still suffering from horrible ankle blisters from last week (evil trainers of doom) so I’m going to go and treat myself to new ones this afternoon…that’s if I can drag my lardy pancake arse down the hill into town. A feat indeed…

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